Slug by Nagasawa Rosetsu, 長沢芦雪, 1754–1799

A great truth is like a mountain one must Walk Around for many years

I often come back to the word Wildness.

That which is specifically constrained, yet also free of constraint. That which is bound to certain laws governed by climate, gravity, and terrain. That which looks effortless, yet has been shaped by great effort.

The process of Wildness is my personal mountain to Walk Around for the rest of my life. I have found wisdom there, and hope to share it with you.

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To get a feeling for what I’m about, listen to me read one of my favorite poems, Calligraphy of a Stream. Or, check out the most popular podcast episode I have made, called Backtracking. Another crowd favorite: Breakers

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All photos © Hudson Gardner 2024 (Portfolio)

About Hudson

Hudson Gardner is a writer & photographer who drinks a lot of tea in the woods, usually made with boiled creek water and whatever medicinal plant is growing nearby. He has hiked, biked, and paddled thousands of miles in the USA, and has lived in California, Maine, Vermont, New York City, New Mexico, Nebraska, Oregon, Idaho, and Washington. He has published a full-length book of Poetry titled A Body of Water, and is currently working on another manuscript titled Koharū, Late Fall.

His work has been published by On Being, The Sun Magazine, Patagonia, Taproot Magazine, and others.

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We Are All A Part. Writing and recordings about nature, existence, and wildness—at three miles per hour.


Writer & photographer—forager-farmer gardener-hunter fisher-hiker walker-runner; biker and cook.