Grass growing in medians isn't just there for our sake
It is actually there as part of an experiment

Grass growing in medians isn't just there for our sake. The grass was planted there for some purpose. Sometimes there are flowers, or little trees. But the grass growing there isn't just for our sake. It is actually there as part of an experiment. This experiment is also called modern life.
The idea behind modern life is that we can act like nothing is connected to anything else, and that things like grass growing in medians are just for our benefit. In fact it's for our benefit to mow it, so that it doesn't grow too high, which makes the roads less dangerous, which is definitely to our benefit. There can't be any predators left anymore, where people want to live. Especially grass that is too high that could cause an accident, like a child getting lost for a day because he found something interesting in the grass, like an insect.
The main point of modern life is to see if it will all work despite evidence to the contrary. To see if it will all keep going even though nothing seems to make sense about that thesis. Or going for as long as it can keep going.
Grass growing in medians was just the beginning of this experiment, or maybe a very small part of it. Children who were born into the world where grass grows in medians are unaware that there was ever grass all around the place before it was cut and only in the medians. So they are part of the experiment too, because they are turning out different due to small things, that you might not think actually matter. Like only one species of grass growing in all medians across the entire USA, and being cut constantly, and letting nothing else grow there.
You might not think it matters that only this kind of grass grows in medians. But it does matter, because what used to grow there was different. And what was different about it was that it wasn't for our benefit. It actually wasn't just for our sake. It wasn't for anything's sake, actually. That was the beauty of it. The grass, or trees, or flowers, just grew of their own accord.
Before medians, over thousands of years plants intermingled and changed. Animals learned to use them well and actually, people did too. And this goes back so long ago no one even remembers about it.
And nowadays the grass in medians isn't noticed by anyone, it is the opposite of being noticed, it is unseen. Yet if you look closely it can remind you of when grass grew all around, or maybe trees, or other plants, and then it is definitely noticeable. Because what's left of what grew before can be seen in the grass, even though it's surrounded by concrete and roads and cars. If you look at it and think about it, you can see that a simple median still has potential. It can grow fruit for birds, or many kinds of grass for a variety insects, which also feed birds. It will never be like it was before there were medians, but there is still soil there, that the grass grows from. And where there is still soil there is still life.