🔘 Daily Notes .5
🔘 Daily Notes chronicles my unedited thoughts at the moment, from day to day. This series will end at 1.0, or 10 total posts 🍵
I remember when we pulled off, up a slight hill from the interstate. There wasn’t anything there, not even a tree.
In the distance the haze of early spring hung below the sharp line of the horizon. Surface water, a rare, precious thing, lay in silver pools that you can just make out in the picture I took with my point and shoot above.
From the hilltop was a narrow trail that went just a bit further, to the brink of the hill. When I see a little trail like that, I often wonder how old it is.
Back at the car, a meadowlark as brilliant as a sunbeam was patrolling around the van. He stopped and looked at me, chickenlike, one eye tilted upward. Then he ran under the van and out the other side.