🔘 Daily Notes chronicles my unedited thoughts at the moment, from day to day. This series will end at 1.0, or 10 total posts 🍵
In the backyard, under the mimosa tree at night, all the leaves are closed. The flowers can barely be seen in the last light of day. The grass beneath my back is still warm from the heat of the day.
Nearby a little fountain trickles water into a stone basin. And high above a huge cottonwood moves in slight wind.
Somehow this landscape has avoided choking smoke and heat until now. So, of course, a few fires started recently, and have slowly grown over the last weeks.
I often wonder how much the state of the earth affects me. I know the landscapes, the weather, the animals and plants I love are all challenged and in a state of turbulence right now. I feel a level of instability inside too. I can’t tell how much of that is my own choice, or if I’m feeling the state of the world.
Maybe climate resilience has to be internal, too.
Under the mimosa at night, everything seems alright. The fountain trickles on. Once in a while a car passes on the distant street. There are so many terrible things I could think about, or write about. But in the end, where does worry go? Water always flows to the lowest place.
It’s profound to not think about such things, to drop the narrative, and just be in the grass under the mimosa. At least, for a little while.
My sentiments exactly as
Everything is going to be okay at least in some small ways. We can find refuge if we are open to the possibility. Beautiful writing. Thank you.